Where to buy a German Shepherd
General overview of the German Shepherd Dog.
Regarding the origin of the German Shepherd Dog, the first club of the German Shepherd breed was formed in 1881 after Max von Stephanitz and his followers developed and promoted the breed as a herding dog, and later as a working dog used by the police and the military. From the First World War the bravery and temperament of the German Shepherd has gained the breed worldwide recognition and praise and he has shown his worth in other disciplines too and as a guide dog to blind people, and as a tracking dog.
Today the German Shepherd Dog is one of the most known breed in the USA and Europe.
How much is a German Shepherd Puppy?
You will get a German Shepherd puppy in the USA from a reputable Breeder from $1000-$2500.
Secondary, you need to know that the cost of a dog does not just include only the price you pay up front when buying the dog. You will need to consider whether you can afford normal daily costs, such as food, training, and long term expenses, such as vet bills.
Where to buy a German Shepherd puppy. You can be able to get a healthy German Shepherd puppy for a good price at the Agape Ranch German Shepherds Ranch.
What is the appearance of a German Shepherd Dog?
German Shepherds are Slightly long in comparison to height, of powerful, well-muscled build with weather-resistant coat. Relation between height, length, position and structure of fore and hindquarters (angulation) producing far-reaching, enduring gait. Clear definition of masculinity and femininity essential, and working ability never sacrificed for mere beauty. With this illustration you can know what the German Shepherd Dog looks like.
What are the characteristics of a German Shepherd Dog?
He is Versatile working dog, balanced and free from exaggeration. They are capable of standing comfortably and calmly, freely and unsupported in any way, in structural balance, whilst both rear pasterns are vertical. Attentive, alert, resilient and tireless with keen scenting ability.
What is the Temperament/Personality of a German Shepherd Dog?
The German Shepherd Dog is steady of nerve, loyal, self-assured, courageous and tractable. Never nervous, over-aggressive or shy. Good with kids, other dogs and obedient to the owner and has a good watch dog ability.
How is the Body of the German Shepherd?
The German Shepherd Length measured from point of shoulder to point of buttock, slightly exceeding height at withers. Correct ratio 10 to 9 or 8 and a half. Undersized dogs, stunted growth, high-legged dogs, those too heavy or too light in build, over-loaded fronts, too short overall appearance, any feature detracting from reach or endurance of gait, undesirable. Chest deep (45-48%) of height at shoulder, not too broad, brisket long, well developed. Ribs well formed and long; neither barrel-shaped nor too flat; allowing free movement of elbows when gaiting. Relatively short loin. Belly firm, only slightly drawn up. Back between withers and croup, straight, strongly developed, not too long. Overall length achieved by correct angle of well laid shoulders, correct length of croup and hindquarters. The topline runs without any visible break from the set on of the neck, over the well-defined withers, falling away slightly in a straight line to the gently sloping croup. The back is firm, strong and well muscled. Loin broad, strong, well muscled. Weak, soft and roach backs highly undesirable and should be heavily penalized. Croup slightly sloping and without any break in the topline, merges imperceptibly with the set on of the tail. Short, steep or flat croups highly undesirable. This is a perfect description of what the German Shepherd dog. Before buying a German Shepherd dog, it is good to know what it’s body is made up of.
What are the various coats of the German Shepherd?
The German Shepherd breed has two separate varieties of coat.
The Outer coat consisting of straight, hard, close-lying hair as dense as possible; thick undercoat. Hair on head, ears, front of legs, paws and toes short; on neck, longer and thicker; in some males forming slight ruff. Hair longer on back of legs as far down as pasterns and hocks, forming fairly thick trousers on hindquarters.
In long coats, outer coat longer, not always straight and frequently not lying close and flat to the body. Thick undercoat. Coat distinctly longer inside and behind the ears, forming moderate tufts. Longer hair on the back of the forelegs, through to the loins, and dense feathering on the hindlegs.
Where to buy a German Shepherd puppy. You can get a German Shepherd Puppy with these variety of coats at Agape Ranch German Shepherds.
What are the various colors of the German Shepherd?
German Shepherds have a Black or black saddle with tan, or gold to light grey markings. All black, all grey, with lighter or brown markings referred to as Sables. Bi-color: Predominantly black, may have tan or gold markings on head, chest, legs and feet; black markings may be present on toes and rear pasterns. Nose black. Light markings on chest or very pale color on inside of legs permissible but undesirable, as are whitish nails, red-tipped tails or wishy-washy faded colors defined as lacking in pigmentation. Blues, livers, albinos, whites (i.e. almost pure white dogs with black noses).
Where to buy a German Shepherd puppy. You can get a German Shepherd Puppy with a variety of colors at Agape Ranch German Shepherds.
Health issues to check where you are buying a German Shepherd?
With the German Shepherd breed, health problems are common, but there are some things you can check, often in the company of the breeder whilst seeing the litter.
Whilst not all health issues will be obvious, there are some which have visible signs. Here’s what you can check easily where you are buying your German Shepherd puppy.
Eye health::: The eyes are very easy to check. Things to look for include cataracts which can be hereditary; look for cloudiness. Red eyes and visible gunk or discharge is also a sign of ill health. Also look at the health of the mother’s eyes.
Ear and nose health::: The ears and nose should be free of gunk, be free of nasty odors, and not have any discoloring such as redness or sores.
Coat health::: The German Shepherd puppies should have shiny and clean coats to ensure they are healthy.
Where to buy a German Shepherd puppy. Get a healthy German Shepherd Puppy at the Agape Ranch German Shepherds.
5 Reputable websites with German Shepherd Breeders in the USA are?
Where to buy a German Shepherd puppy.
These are some few real and reputable websites with German Shepherd Breeders where you can buy a well socialized healthy German Shepherd Puppy.
1, Lancaster Puppies
2, Agape Ranch German Shepherds
3, Greenfield Puppies
4, Mittelwest German Shepherds
5, Jagermeister German Shepherds
How to take care of your puppy after buying.
Being an intelligent dog, German Shepherd dogs do well with obedience training. In order to establish favorable behaviors early on, it’s important to start training and socialization with your puppy as soon as you can. Bear in mind, it is best for your puppy not to socialize with other dogs until after they receive all appropriate vaccinations.
Besides training, German Shepherds also require daily exercise, although they don’t need an extensive amount. A quick walk once or twice a day and a short play session will oftentimes do the trick to burn off some extra energy and keep your German Shepherd puppy healthy.
That being said, although German Shepherds are wonderful companions, they are also known for being barkers. While they may just want to alert you that a car or person passed by the window, you and your neighbors may quickly find this noisy habit quite irksome. If this behavior is something you wish to deter, consider enrolling your puppy in an obedience class—trained professionals will have helpful recommendations on how to minimize barking.
Training Your German Shepherd.
When it comes to training your German Shepherd dog, it’s important to start training early and to remain consistent. Just remember, it’s never too early to begin training your puppy—ideally, you would start the very day you bring your puppy home. By creating good habits from a young age, you can have a well-behaved four-legged friend within no time.
By dedicating just a short fifteen minutes every day to training, you can quickly make training a consistent habit for both you and your dog. Not to mention, short training sessions will make it easier to maintain your dog’s attention. You may be surprised with how quickly your puppy can learn new commands and tricks!
If, at first, your puppy does not seem to understand a command, it can sometimes be beneficial to move on to another command for the day. German Shepherds do well with positive reinforcement, so rewards such as treats or toys are helpful to have on-hand.
The German Shepherd doesn’t have a high shedding coat which means their hair will continue growing and needs a regularly scheduled groom every 6 – 12 weeks. German Shepherds generally keep themselves very clean. So, they will need regular cleaning and a daily brush to keep your German Shepherds coat from getting matted and tangled. Lighter colored German Shepherds are also prone to tear stains which can be reduced or eliminated with proper care.
With all these said above, I guess you can know where to buy a German Shepherd puppy who is healthy, trained, well socialized and you know some certain things to do before and after you purchase your German Shepherd dog.